Source: footer-img.css

Add the cssclass footer-img to your note. This will use the last paragraph as a footer in reading mode. In order to work properly, it must includes only one image, no text.

When exporting to PDF, the image will not be rendered.

This image will be blended with the background in a monotone color. White = background color; Black = footer color; Shades of grey = shades of the footer color.

By default, the footer color is white in dark mode and black in light mode. You can assign a specific color with the class name: footer-img-{color}, where {color} can be one of the following: accent, gray, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, pink.


  • If you want the text to go above the footer, using it as a background at the bottom of the page, you can add the class footer-background or footer-bg.
  • If your note does not contain enough text, the footer will not be at the bottom.

Make sure you have a blank line before your image.


  - footer-img

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget pellentesque magna. Vivamus erat lorem, elementum vel nunc eu, elementum accumsan quam. Etiam nec enim pulvinar, efficitur nulla eget, elementum velit. Nunc feugiat finibus augue sed accumsan.


  - footer-img-cyan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget pellentesque magna. Vivamus erat lorem, elementum vel nunc eu, elementum accumsan quam. Etiam nec enim pulvinar, efficitur nulla eget, elementum velit. Nunc feugiat finibus augue sed accumsan.


  - footer-img-accent
  - footer-background

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget pellentesque magna. Vivamus erat lorem, elementum vel nunc eu, elementum accumsan quam. Etiam nec enim pulvinar, efficitur nulla eget, elementum velit. Nunc feugiat finibus augue sed accumsan.


CSS Variables

Variable Description Default value
--footer-img-height Height of the footer image 220px
--footer-img-opacity Opacity of the footer image 0.2
--footer-img-color Color of the footer image rgb(var(--mono-rgb-100))