Source: callout-timeline.css

Use this callout to create a timeline. Several options are available.:

  • At the first level timeline callout > ![timeline|option]:
    • no-icon: remove all icons from callout title, the main and the nested ones.
    • numbered: add increasing numbers inside the bullets for each item.
    • horizontal: make the timeline horizontal (vertical by default).
  • In nested callouts:
    • no-icon: remove the icon of this callout.
    • skip: don’t count this block in the numbering (require numbered at the first level callout)

Note that inside the timeline callout, you can use what you want. All blocks will be transformed into “date cards”, not only callouts. So paragraphs, blockquotes, code, etc., they all work. But callouts are the only one you can add options to.

> [!timeline|blue numbered]+
> > [!note|skip no-icon] August 18
> > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lacinia posuere fermentum
> > [!note]- August 21, 11:45 PM
> > Etiam ac ipsum neque. Ut tincidunt in elit ornare viverra. Pellentesque auctor mi lectus.
> > [!note|skip green]+ August 22, 10:00 AM
> > Etiam pretium sapien risus, in interdum tortor imperdiet quis.
> ![[obsidian.jpeg]]
> Proin sed urna vehicula ipsum posuere auctor. Nullam consectetur pharetra justo, eget sollicitudin mauris finibus et.
> > [!danger]+ August 30
> > Nam sem est, eleifend vel diam at, gravida pellentesque quam.

> [!timeline|blue numbered horizontal]+
> > [!note|skip no-icon] August 18
> > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis lacinia posuere fermentum
> > [!note]- August 21, 11:45 PM
> > Etiam ac ipsum neque. Ut tincidunt in elit ornare viverra. Pellentesque auctor mi lectus.
> > [!note|skip green]+ August 22, 10:00 AM
> > Etiam pretium sapien risus, in interdum tortor imperdiet quis.
> ![[obsidian.jpeg]]
> Proin sed urna vehicula ipsum posuere auctor. Nullam consectetur pharetra justo, eget sollicitudin mauris finibus et.
> > [!danger]+ August 30
> > Nam sem est, eleifend vel diam at, gravida pellentesque quam.

CSS Variables

(defined in .callout[data-callout="timeline"])


Variable Description Default value
--col-gap Column gap 20px
--row-gap Row gap 10px


Variable Description Default value
--line-thickness Guideline thickness 24px
--line-color Guideline color rgba(var(--callout-color), 0.4)
--line-fade-width Size of the fading gradient 50px


Variable Description Default value
--card-border-width Border width of a time card 5px
--card-border-opacity Border opacity of a time card 0.2
--card-padding Padding inside a time card 12px
--card-width Width of a time card (horizontal layout only) 300px


Variable Description Default value
--bullet-size Size of a normal bullet 8px
--bullet-numbered-size Size of a numbered bullet 20px
--bullet-radius Bullet radius 50%
--bullet-color Bullet inner color var(--workleaves-background)
--bullet-border-width Bullet border width 1px
--bullet-border-color Bullet border color rgb(var(--callout-color))
--bullet-outline-width Bullet outline width, creates a gap between the bullet and the segment 3px


Variable Description Default value
--segment-border-color Segment border color rgb(var(--callout-color))
--segment-thickness Segment thickness 1px