Usage of tags to define specific styling for canvas card can be very powerful. However, it requires a code that can cause performance issues. Also, such styling come as independant snippets. You can add the file canvas-node-bundle to your snippets file to download all the effects. Or choose individual ones from this list.

Instead of using tag #node-class, you can us an html element with such as <span class="node-class"></span>)

Helper tags

Tag Description Source
#node-background Keep the node in the background canvas-node-background.css
#node-blur Everything behind the node will be blured canvas-node-blur.css
#node-image To be used with one image, make the image be displayed as such. Useful to combine with #node-background canvas-node-blur.css
#node-large Make the text very large (5em). Useful with the title tags canvas-node-large.css
#node-only-text Remove border and background canvas-node-only-text.css
#node-text-color-invert Text color black in dark mode, white in light mode canvas-node-text-color-invert.css

Title tags

Tag Description Source
#node-title-arcane Inspired by the Arcane font canvas-node-title-arcane.css
#node-title-neon Text with neon effect canvas-node-title-neon.css
#node-title-poster Old poster title text canvas-node-title-poster.css
#node-title-vintage Vintage title canvas-node-title-vintage.css

Styling tags

Tag Description Source
#node-comic Deform the borders and use a comic font canvas-node-comic.css

Other special tags

Tag Description Source
#node-crime-scene-tape Create a “crime scene” tape canvas-node-crime-scene-tape.css